
          The development strategy founded by the national leader Heydar Aliyev has been successfully continued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev since 2003, and our country has achieved important successes in the cultural and moral development as in all other fields in its life. Considered cultural policy of the head of the Azerbaijan state Ilham Aliyev and always keeping the development of this field in the focus played great role in the achievement of these successes. Several steps have been made in the development of the theatre; measures have been taken in the strengthening of the material and technical base of the theatres, improvement of the creative potential, and development of theatrical education in the Azerbaijan Republic since 2003.  In this regard, President Ilham Aliyev’s decree on the development of theatre in Azerbaijan from 19 February 2007 is of great significance. At present, Azerbaijan state implements important works in the protection and popularization of non-material cultural heritage of our nation. Due to the purposeful work Azerbaijan mugham was included to the “List of Folklore and Mon-material Masterpieces of Humanity” by UNESCO in 2003, ashug art and Novruz Holiday in 2009 year, carpet-weaving craft in 2010 year, tar mastery art and Chovhan Garabagh game on horse in 2013 was included to the “Representative List on Non-material Culture of the Humanity”. Azerbaijan state and its corresponding state structures decisively struggle against the attempts of our disgraced neighbors to introduce our unique cultural and historical wealth to the world as material heritage of Armenian nation. All the steps taken by the President Ilham Aliyev for the development of the culture, protection and popularization of the cultural and moral values create strong assurance on continuation of the cultural and moral development of the country in near future. 

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