
Research Summary After the Ayyubids assumed power in Syria (570 AH / 1174 AD) they were interested in managing the country and organizing its public affairs, and one of the most important works they carried out was the establishment and activation of the Hisba Foundation, which had an effective role in organizing and revitalizing many economic activities, where this institution worked On improving people’s lives and solving people’s problems at that time, the Hisba Foundation was directly related to people’s lives, and it was a legal institution that supervised and controlled economic activities and markets, and its owners had the right to punish violators of instructions and laws, such as those who commit fraud or monopoly operations. The Hisba played a prominent role in supervising professionals and industrialists, and played an important role in the prosperity and development of industrial and craft activities during the Ayyubid era، The content of the research was discussed in three main sections: the first topic was the definition of the Al-Hisbah institution and its importance, the second topic: touched on the interest of the Ayyubids in this institution, and the third and final topic: it included the talk about the supervisory role of the Al-Hisba Foundation on the crafts and food industries and foods in Syria in the era Al-Ayoubi, and concluded the research with the most important conclusions.

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