
The article interrogates the conventional conception prevalent in contemporary scientific discourse that the author is the only creator of an allusion, whereas the addressee can only understand the author’s idea / intention “correctly” or “incorrectly”. Based on the new perspective, this study discusses the communicative structure of allusions, investigates the mechanism of interpreting allusions and considers the issue of “arbitration” of meaning-making in interpreting allusions. The key insights offered in the study are as follows:a) Allusion is an open structure which the addressee can interpret in their own way. An adequate / correct understanding of the author’s idea is not a mandatory feature of an allusion.b) The role of the addressee in the process of understanding / interpreting allusions is as crucial as is the role of the creator of the allusion.c) The addressee interprets an allusion rather than trying to guess the author’s idea / intention behind it.d) Understanding of an allusion in a different way than intended by the author does not mean that the process of allusion interpretation is over.e) An allusion which is interpreted differently than intended by the author does not lose its characteristic features.f) The “correctness” of interpreting an allusion may be determined by a person whose background knowledge encompasses both the background knowledge of the author and that of the addressee.On the basis of these theoretical premises, this study continues a previous analysis based on the empirical linguistic data reported in the article Perception of intertexts and identification of the cultural circle in publicistic texts by Rimvydas Valatka (published in the research journal Lietuvių kalba (‘The Lithuanian Language’), Issue 10 (2016)), www.lietuviukalba.lt. Applying the method of respondent testing, the previous study looked at the way contemporary youth perceive unmarked intertexts (primarily allusions) encountered in Lithuanian mass media. The results of the study revealed that Vilnius University students between 18 and 20 years of age are able to recognise and adequately interpret only one fourth of precedent texts alluded to in publicistic texts by Rimvydas Valatka. Respondents showed the highest results in the recognition of cinematographic (49%) and biblical (37%) precedent texts and the lowest results in the identification of historical (12%) precedent texts. The results of the empirical research have demonstrated that precedent texts “migrate” between different areas which correspond to relevant background knowledge of the addressees.


  • Allusion opens the window to the other texts, but even though we are able to look through it, the view we see is different.Allusion is typically perceived as an alleged dialogue inspired by a covert and indirect reference

  • Adequate perception of the author’s intention is not a mandatory feature of allusion. b) The reader’s role in the allusive process is as essential as that of the creator. c) The reader interprets the allusion instead of trying to figure out the author’s intention. d) Interpretation that differs from the author’s intention does not mean the end of the allusive process. e) Allusion interpreted by the intention other than the author’s does not lose its specific features

  • F) The “correctness” of interpretation of the allusion may be established by a person whose background knowledge covers that of both the author and reader

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Adresatas nepateikia jokio įminimo

Subjektyvus aliuzijos interpretavimas yra galimas, norėtume pateikti struktūrinį paaiškinimą, kaip aliuzija gali būti interpretuojama ne vien pagal autoriaus sumanymą. A) adresatas įžvelgia reprezentantą,-us ne tuose teksto elementuose, kaip buvo sumanyta autoriaus, ir tai adresatą nukreipia į kitą precedentinį tekstą. Reprezentantai: saulėlydis, valsčiuje Transformantai: Garliavos, valsčiuje b) adresatas įžvelgia reprezentantą,-us pagal autoriaus sumanymą, tačiau interpretuoja jį savaip, ir tai adresatą nukreipia į kitą precedentinį tekstą. Kad reprezentantu palaikytas žodis „dovanos“, nors pagal autoriaus sumanymą tai turėtų būti „danajai“ – žodis, žinomas tik retam nehumanitarinio profilio studentui. Tyrime panaudotos aliuzijos į sovietinį laikotarpį: „Vok pavogtą“ iš istorijos šiukšlyno išsitraukęs išdaviko anūko komunistinis frontas; Nesisielokit, broliai, jus priglaus motina Rusija, anot klasiko kolaboranto; Maskva apimta dūmų ir liepsnos, tik prancūzui neatiduota; Ačiū partijai ir Vyriausybei; Kankinkit, budeliai, smarkiau, tai mes dar ir į Europarlamentą pateksim!; Lydekai paliepus, A. Kultūrinė bendruomenės pranašas, išves Petras tris sykius realija į Pažadėtąją žemę su pieno išsigina Jėzaus upėmis, aukso krantais

Kodėl iki šiol uodegą Klonio eketėje tebėra mažumėlę įšalusi prezidentė?
13. Lygiavimo į dešinę ypatumai
16. Saulėlydis Garliavos valsčiuje
26. Kovotoją su gėjų malūnais dar ir žmona metė
A reader discerns an allusion when it is not seen by the author themselves
The reader gives no answer
12 The study used the allusions to the Soviet period
Pushkin vs the tale by the Brother
13. Peculiarities of alignment to the right
16. The Sunset in the Community of Garliava
18. The government that raised the
Kudirka “Labora”
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