
A revolutionary change in the way students are taught, their skills are developed, and accounting concepts are engaged with is being sparked by the incorporation of technology into accounting education. This study examines the significant effects of technology on accounting education, from improving the development of practical skills to guaranteeing flexibility in response to the ever-changing demands of the contemporary accounting industry. It highlights how technology can help close the gap between theoretical understanding and practical application, providing students with a more engaging educational experience. Moreover, gamification, augmented and virtual reality, and interactive modules encourage student engagement in technology-driven education, guaranteeing a more dynamic and immersive learning environment. In order to reshape accounting education to meet industry demands, the discussion highlights future trends such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, blockchain technology, and interdisciplinary education. The recommendations made highlight the significance of promoting faculty development, guaranteeing accessibility, and incorporating environmental sustainability, even though issues like the digital divide, data security, and quality control must be taken into account. Future accounting curricula are expected to be dynamic, technologically advanced, and sensitive to the constantly changing nature of the field, equipping graduates for success in the digital era.
 Keywords: Accounting Education, Technology Integration, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Blockchain Technology, Gamification.

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