
The role of the teacher in implementing counseling guidance must be able to involve parties in the school such as students, subject teachers, school principals, and parents so that the guidance and counseling program is implemented properly. Because many things or problems that often arise in students when following the learning process at school. The role of the teacher referred to in this study is the role of the teacher as a guide, counselor, information, facilitator, mediator, collaborator, organizer, motivator, director, initiator, transmitter, evaluator, subject teacher, class teacher, and evaluator in achieving educational success in schools. This type of research is library research, the method used is qualitative with a descriptive design and analyzed qualitatively in the form of a narrative. The results of the research are that teachers carry out their role in counseling guidance services in schools by implementing a continuous process, nuanced voluntarily, guiding with principles for both male and female students, applying Eastern culture, and implementing it effectively and efficiently.

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