
This study delves into the pivotal role of educators in nurturing critical thinking skills within Lahore's higher education landscape. By examining pedagogical approaches, cultural influences, assessment practices, and faculty readiness, it offers insights that hold significance for educational practitioners and administrators. Employing a quantitative research design with a sample of 370 teachers selected through stratified random sampling, data collected through structured survey questionnaires is analyzed using statistical techniques, including regression analysis, ANOVA, and correlation analysis. Faculty training emerges as a central finding, emphasizing the critical importance of equipping educators with effective pedagogical strategies to stimulate critical thinking. Cultural diversity, though beneficial, presents nuanced challenges in communication and understanding. Thus, universities must balance leveraging diverse perspectives with proactive mitigation of potential hurdles. This research provides actionable insights for educational institutions aiming to cultivate critical thinking among their students in an era where these skills are highly valued in academia and the workforce.

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