
Secondary education decides students' career paths, and teachers at this level play an important role in students' career guidance by assisting them in subject selection and providing career knowledge. Given the importance of teachers in secondary school students' career guidance, the study looked into the role of secondary school teachers in secondary school students' career guidance. The study's goals were to determine the role of teachers in secondary school career guidance and to suggest strategies for secondary school students' career guidance. The study population was 3,247 high-school students from the Swat district, with a sample of 346 students chosen using simple random sampling for data collection. The information was gathered using a self-made questionnaire and evaluated using mean ratings, standard deviation, and the chi-square test. They discovered that teachers play an important role in secondary school career guidance because they serve as role models for students, identify students' career aspirations and abilities, assist in the integration of students' aspirations and potentials, assist in the subject selection, provide career guidance, identify potential careers, and provide career information and requirements. The study also suggested that teachers' capacity for providing career guidance at the secondary level be developed and the inclusion of career guidance subjects at the secondary level.

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