
The challenges to achieve sustainable development within planetary boundaries in Africa are immense. This article outlines the extent to which the current regulatory and policy frameworks in Angola ensure sustainable development, do not contribute to human rights violations, and secure the social foundation for humanity within planetary boundaries. There are multiple economic, social, political and legal challenges in Angola, which are hindering the enforcement of sustainability and human rights regulations. The article shows that while the effective protection of the environment and its people has been echoed in relevant sustainable development legislation and policies by the State in Angola it does not fully correspond with people´s daily-lived experience. In this context, because social and planetary boundaries are complex and interdependent, the role of private actors and public cooperation with African states is essential. Businesses play a key role in ensuring that the Angolan State honours its commitment to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, all of this must go hand in hand with not creating false expectations among its people. It is necessary to strengthen the enforcement of the national regulatory framework and policies in order to ensure that companies operating in the country adhere to, and contribute to, the achievement of human rights and sustainable development in order to secure the social foundation for humanity.

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