
The business case for greater leadership diversity in healthcare executive positions is well documented. Many healthcare organisations recognise its importance and are working towards achieving specific diversity, equity and inclusion goals as part of their overall strategic plans. However, there continues to be a significant gap between the executive leadership diversity and the diversity of the populations that many healthcare organisations serve. Sponsorship can play a valuable role in developing diverse leadership talent. Sponsorship is often confused with mentorship, and while these leadership development practices are related, they are distinct. Sponsorship is an investment in actively advocating for the career advancement of high-potential talent. It goes beyond providing guidance and support and sharing knowledge, which are common features in mentorship. Sponsors provide or recommend sponsored talent for challenging assignments, high-visibility projects, connections to networks and other powerful executives who can facilitate their career advancement. Racial/ethnic and indigenous professionals and other traditionally underrepresented and marginalised groups may be overlooked in the talent development pipeline for executive-level positions, as they may not be included in traditional talent development pools. A formal sponsorship programme with a specific focus on identifying and advancing diverse leadership talent can assist organisations in identifying high-potential individuals in these historically marginalised groups. As healthcare organisations work to become more inclusive and meet the needs of diverse populations, sponsorship of diverse high-potential talent can play an important role in increasing executive diversity.

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