
The aim was to estimate pulmonary function in patients after COVID-19 pneumonia using spirometry and DLCO. Materials and methods. Was observed 15 patients (age – 54,3 (48; 65), men – 6 (46,1%)) discharged after severe (10 patients) or critical (5 patients) COVID-19 pneumonia with continuing dyspnea. General clinical analysis, DLCO level adjusted to Hb, spirometry with bronchodilation test (BT), statistical analysis applied. <b>Results:</b> Despite the discharging from the hospital according to the results of spirometry only 5 pts (33.3%) did not have lung function disorders, 7 pts (46.7%) had restrictive disorders, 3 pts (20.0%) - obstructive disorders. The DLCO test level was lower than norm (80% pred.) in 11 (84,6%) pts,&nbsp; besides decreased DLCO had pts with normal results spirometry. Moreover we found the correlation between FVC and alveolar volume (V<sub>A</sub>) (r=0.675 p&lt;0,05), but not with the carbon monoxide transfer coefficient (KCO) (r= -0.292, p&gt;0,05). <b>Conclusions:</b> 1)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; most pts (80,0%) after severe and critical COVID-19 pneumonia have lung function disorders; 2)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the predominant lung dysfunction after severe and critical COVID-19 pneumonia with combination of restrictive disorders and diffusing capacity disturbances; 3)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the decrease of V<sub>A</sub> is the main pathogenesis mechanism in this category of pts which determines both restrictive and gas diffusing exchanges. 4)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; pts the discharging from the hospital after COVID-19 pneumonia need both spirometry and DLCO to conduct personification pulmonary rehabilitation.

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