
Families with adolescent are one of the groups vulnerable to health problems. Adolescence is a transitional period that is full of stress because there are quite radical changes from the previous period of growth and development that require special attention. The existence of a strong family is very important in guarding the growth of teenagers. One of the domains of family resilience is a belief system or spirituality which can be a source of coping for families and adolescents to form healthy behavior. This research is a quasi-experiment pre-post test with control group, with family respondents who have street teenagers who are still returning home (children on the street) in Jabodetabek and Yogyakarta. The statistical test used is the t-test to determine the average healthy behavior score of adolescents after the family implemented the family resilience model, especially in the spirituality system. The family resilience model is equipped with a pocket book on tips for increasing family resilience and the digital application for resilient families, AMPIBI (I Want to Be Sure You Can). The form of research intervention provided over 8 meetings consisted of education in groups, counseling services, coaching, mentoring and home visits. The results of the analysis prove that there is a very significant increase in the average score of healthy behavior for street teenagers in families who pay attention to the family spiritual system in the family resilience model. The application of spiritual values becomes a source of coping for families to adapt to accept the existing reality and become a strong family.

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