
The need of the day is a brisk lift to the resistant framework to keep it fit, battling today pandemic infections, for example, Covid — 19. One should get the right amount of nutrients from the diet, supplementation regimen to boost the immune system. These spices are always there to make tasty food as well as to protect the body from infectious diseases by building the immunity strong Ayurveda approaches to develop physiological reactions to facilitate immunity. Planning of diet is most important to boost immunity. As per many types of research to provide supplementary food which contains Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and immunity boosting food such as dealing with plenty of spices for a very long time. These spices include some rare to very common spices which we can found near us. The concern is that these viral infections are very prone to attack weak immunity and take the chance to affect the country to the globe. So the very common spices available will be always helpful to get through this Regular use of a few spices in the very simple form proves its importance as a medicine. In this article a review of spices is done which we are available near us, we are using it in our daily life and we are getting the benefit of these which a common people might not be fully aware of about role of immunity building of the body.

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