
This article explores how a fresh approach to integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) in Ireland might be forged through the identification of a number of key innovative cross-sectoral professional initiatives and interdisciplinary academic thinking in this sector. It includes three interlinked research themes that assess existing cross-sectoral data management issues (to include an assessment of readiness for the INSPIRE and compliance with the Re-use of Public Sector Information European Union Directives), the degree of cross-pollination between the various sectors involved in managing the Irish Coastal Zone (to identify the need (or otherwise) for capacity- building to encourage cross-fertilization of ideas, skills, and knowledge exchange), and cross-professional competencies (to assess the desire/need (if any) for those working in coastal zone management to add to their existing competencies through continuous professional development or lifelong learning opportunities). Indeed, the specific competencies for coastal practitioners are identified here and these further illustrate the need for professional recognition of the role, responsibilities, and therefore the requirement for an appropriately qualified “Coastal Manager” professional, one that is seen not merely as a nicety but rather a necessity—a core enabler in any future innovative and integrative management approach.

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