
In recent years, our understanding of snow gliding and glide-snow avalanches has improved; however, the contributing factors are still poorly understood and difficult to measure. In particular, the role of soil properties has not been considered as much as other environmental parameters (e.g. air temperature). Focusing on soil properties we established a monitoring site in the Italian Alps, in the release zone of a WSW-facing avalanche path. The area is typically characterized by intense snow gliding that results in the formation of large glide cracks, often leading to the release of a glide-snow avalanche. The site was equipped with four glide-snow shoes to measure snow gliding movement. Temperature and water content sensors were located at the snow-soil interface and at different depths within the soil. Meteorological data were recorded by a nearby automatic weather station, and snowpack properties were evaluated using manual snow profiles and SNOWPACK simulations; additionally, soils were characterized with special emphasis on the physical properties of the upper soil horizons. During two monitoring seasons, we registered a cold-temperature event characterized by gradual and continuous snow gliding and three warm-temperature events with glide-crack formation and evolution, in one case resulting in a glide-snow avalanche. Univariate (Mann-Witney U test) and multivariate (Classification Trees) analyses allowed us to find significant differences between gliding and non-gliding periods, and confirmed the importance of distinguishing between cold and warm-temperature events. In particular, for warm-temperature events we found that the most significant parameters were a large snow depth, strong settlement and high air temperature. For cold-temperature events we found that, together with a large snow depth, the volumetric liquid water content, both at the snow-soil interface and within the soil, played a fundamental role. Moreover, for the cold-temperature events we found a strong correlation between daily glide rates and the soil volumetric liquid water content, with an exponential relationship at the snow-soil interface and at 5cm depth within the soil. These results highlight the relationship between the snow gliding process and the soil conditions, which have been identified among the main environmental factors related to the development of snow gliding.

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