
This study aimed to describe and categorize the roots of the financial crises, causes, factors that stimulated the financial crises, and the role of small business in limiting the effects of such crises. Further, the study described small business investments in Jordan and tested its current ability to withstand additional financial burdens and to compete for business investment opportunities. Data obtained from a random sample of 220 Jordanian small businesses. The results of this study showed a positive role of small business Investments in coping with financial crises in Jordan. Small business investment represents 17.2% of the GDP in addition to attracting diversified foreign investments resulted from international trade agreements such as WTO and QIZ. The amount of small business investment exports reached 263 million JD distributed to 50 foreign markets. The study recommended establishing a small business investment fund to support local small business and provide interest free loans. Key words: Small business; Financial crises; Investment

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