
Eclampsia is a serious medical condition that affects women during pregnancy. Symptoms of eclampsia appear in pregnancy as a condition known as pre-eclampsia, (condition follows a high blood pressure) , the condition can go undetected until it develops into eclampsia. This can create additional complications during pregnancy. Each case of eclampsia is unique, and the pregnant woman may share few or no characteristics with other women who develop the condition. Pregnancy histories, Patient age, Family history, Obesity, High blood pressure are major high risk factors for preeclampsia and eclampsia will vary from patient to patient.
 Aims and Objectives of Study: To detect the level of urea, creatinine and uric acid in the diagnosis of preeclampsia and eclampsia.
 Material and Method: Total 100 subjects were selected for study. Out of 40 were normal pregnant womens, 30 were suffered from preeclampsia and 30 were suffered eclampsia. Blood sample were collected in plane test tube for assay of urea, creatinine and uric acid.
 Results of Study: The concentration of urea, creatinine and uric acid is significantly increased found in eclampsia compare to normal subjects. The level of serum urea and serum creatinine increased but insignificant in pre-eclampsia (40.08 ± 9.20 ; 0.78 ± 0.32) compare to normal group (30.47 ± 6.18 ; 0.58 ± 0.14). The level of uric acid was significantly increased found in pre-eclampsia subject (6.42 ± 1.42) than normal pregnant woman (4.82 ± 0.86) (p >0.0001).
 Conclusion: On the basis of study findings we, concluded that the increased levels of serum uric acid, serum creatinine and serum urea are better diagnostic and predictive marker for PE and eclampsia and immediate medical attention required for preeclampsia and eclampsia. With the help of these parameters most cases are detected early in the pregnancy before they can progress to eclampsia. While there is no cure for preeclampsia, doctors will often prescribe medications to lower blood pressure or anticonvulsant medications to prevent seizures.


  • Eclampsia is a serious disorder that affects women during pregnancy

  • Symptoms of eclampsia appear in pregnancy as a condition known as pre-eclampsia, the condition can go undetected until it develops into eclampsia

  • On the basis of study findings we, concluded that the increased levels of serum uric acid, serum creatinine and serum urea are better diagnostic and predictive marker for PE and eclampsia and immediate medical attention required for preeclampsia and eclampsia

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Eclampsia is a serious disorder that affects women during pregnancy. During pregnancy the symptoms are found known as pre-eclampsia, the condition can go undetected until it develops into eclampsia and it can create some complications during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia is a high blood pressure disorder during pregnancy, which is the most potential complications in preterm delivery, perinatal mortality, maternal mortality, intra-uterine growth retardation, low birth weight and many other related problems. In these conditions the fetus not receives much more oxygen and nutrients. [1,2] It is disorder of pregnancy and clinically characterized by proteinuria and hypertension after 20 week of gestation and significantly associated with morbidity and mortality to mothers and fetuses It is originates in the placenta, starting with inadequate cytotrophoblast invasion of the spiral arteries, leading to maladaptation of maternal spiral arterioles, which may be associated with an increased vascular resistance of the uterine artery and a decreased perfusion of the placenta.[3,4]

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