
Abstract. Extratropical cyclones are the most damaging natural hazard to affect western Europe. Serial clustering occurs when many intense cyclones affect one specific geographic region in a short period of time which can potentially lead to very large seasonal losses. Previous studies have shown that intense cyclones may be more likely to cluster than less intense cyclones. We revisit this topic using a high-resolution climate model with the aim to determine how important clustering is for windstorm-related losses. The role of windstorm clustering is investigated using a quantifiable metric (storm severity index, SSI) that is based on near-surface meteorological variables (10 m wind speed) and is a good proxy for losses. The SSI is used to convert a wind footprint into losses for individual windstorms or seasons. 918 years of a present-day ensemble of coupled climate model simulations from the High-Resolution Global Environment Model (HiGEM) are compared to ERA-Interim reanalysis. HiGEM is able to successfully reproduce the wintertime North Atlantic/European circulation, and represent the large-scale circulation associated with the serial clustering of European windstorms. We use two measures to identify any changes in the contribution of clustering to the seasonal windstorm loss as a function of return period. Above a return period of 3 years, the accumulated seasonal loss from HiGEM is up to 20 % larger than the accumulated seasonal loss from a set of random resamples of the HiGEM data. Seasonal losses are increased by 10 %–20 % relative to randomized seasonal losses at a return period of 200 years. The contribution of the single largest event in a season to the accumulated seasonal loss does not change with return period, generally ranging between 25 % and 50 %. Given the realistic dynamical representation of cyclone clustering in HiGEM, and comparable statistics to ERA-Interim, we conclude that our estimation of clustering and its dependence on the return period will be useful for informing the development of risk models for European windstorms, particularly for longer return periods.


  • Extratropical cyclones are the dominant weather hazard that affects western Europe

  • High-Resolution Global Environment Model (HiGEM) has a good representation of the large-scale tropospheric circulation (Shaffrey et al, 2009; Woollings, 2010)

  • Several other studies have demonstrated that the model has skill in seasonal to decadal predictions, in the North Atlantic (Shaffrey et al, 2017; Robson et al, 2018)

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On average extratropical cyclones cause over USD 2 billion of losses to the insurance industry per year in Europe (Schwierz et al, 2010) as a result of building damage and business interruption from severe wind gusts and large amounts of precipitation. The most severe individual storms can have much greater impacts than what may be observed in an average year; for example, storms Daria (25 January 1990), Kyrill (18 January 2007), and Lothar (26 December 1999) caused USD 5.1, 5.8, and 6.2 billion of insured losses respectively (Munich Re, 2015). The most severe seasons, in terms of total windstorm loss, are often characterized by the recurrent influence of multiple cyclone events occurring in a short period of time, e.g. such as the winter of 2013/2014 (Matthews et al, 2014; Priestley et al, 2017b).

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