
Roles or expressions of attitude which scientists should play or display in achieving a better environment for Man and Nature need to include (1) a positive and optimistic viewpoint, (2) a proper perspective in time-dimensions, (3) identification of major developments that have profoundly influenced our view of ourselves as humans, (4) development of a rational conceptual framework within which to arrange the activities required to influence the human environment (involving the four basic processes of energy provision, materials-cycling, life-cycling, and information leading to decision-making), (5) relating of these four basic processes to linking Man far more propitiously than latterly to his environment, (6) effective interaction among disciplines and concomitant advising of decision-makers, (7) developing sophisticated insight into the array of societal issues that confront mankind, and (8) tackling the set of environmental hazards that are particularly critical in developing countries.The paper ends with an appeal to all ‘to reaffirm a robust faith in the destiny of Man.’

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