
Unsurprisingly, human being needs smooth, peaceful and a regularized system not only to survive, but to live well. To get it, human being has been continuously struggling since early times. Many written and unwritten efforts in this regard are found among which, the first written one is the Magna Carta of 1215. The Article 39 of the Magna Carta (1215) declared, “no freemen shall be taken or imprisoned or diseased exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon nor send upon, except by the lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land”. Ibn-e-Khaldun opines that the construction and deconstruction of society depends upon law. If on one hand, obedience of law rises empires then discarding it is equal to digging grave for empires. Sustainability of civilization is subject to rule of law. Those societies which follow laws strictly in their daily routine they are in the line of developed nations. Today Europe is in the epoch of greater civilization because they adopted the rule of law in its true spirit. Once Muslim world was civilised one until they believed on rule of law, equality and justice but fell down when started disobeying the principles of the rule of law. Since its very inception, “might is right" is the prevailing phenomena everywhere in Pakistan. Each and every department and even on individual level, the rule of law is not respected. No one cares to respect and follow rule of law that

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