
In this study, we investigated the structural evolution of the Vértessomló (VT) Thrust and the Környe-Zsámbék (KZ) Fault, which are located in the Transdanubian Range in the center of the Miocene Pannonian back-arc basin. Our study is based on surface and well data. The Transdanubian Range was located on the Adriatic passive margin during the Late Triassic, where a thick succession of platform carbonates was deposited. Intercalations of intraplatform basin deposits occur in the eastern part of the study area. South-directed thrusting and the formation of the VT Thrust took place during the Cretaceous, related to the Austroalpine orogeny. Asymmetric half-grabens were formed during the Eocene in the hanging wall of the segmented dextral normal KZ Fault. The geometry and kinematics of the KZ Fault were influenced by the pre-existing VT Thrust located in the Mesozoic basement of the Paleogene sub-basins. These Eocene half-grabens suffered mild inversion due to the dextral reverse reactivation of the VT Thrust and the KZ Fault during the Oligocene–Early Miocene. The geometry of Miocene normal faults indicates that the VT-KZ Fault system was an active transfer fault during the Miocene extension of the Pannonian Basin, as well. We found a positive correlation between the rheology of the Triassic basement and the mode of Paleogene fault reactivation. Our results show that reactivation of the pre-existing thrust took place along that segment, where the Triassic basement is made up of homogeneous platform carbonates. In contrast, a diffuse fault zone developed, where the Triassic basement is represented by the weak layers of intraplatform basins.

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