
We consider the class of models where Dirac neutrino masses at one loop and the dark matter stability can be obtained using only the global $U(1)_{B-L}$ symmetry already present in Standard Model. We discuss how the residual $\mathcal{Z}_n$ subgroup, left unbroken after the breaking of $U(1)_{B-L}$, dictates the neutrino nature, namely if they are Dirac or Majorana particles, as well as determines the stability of the dark matter candidate in such models. In particular, we show that without the correct breaking of $U(1)_{B-L}$ to an appropriate residual $\mathcal{Z}_n$ symmetry, the Dirac nature of neutrinos and/or dark matter stability might be lost. For completeness we also provide some examples where the dark matter stability is accidental or lost completely. Finally, we discuss one example model where the Dirac neutrinos with naturally small one loop masses as well as dark matter stability, are both protected by the same residual $\mathcal{Z}_6$ subgroup, without need for adding any new explicit or accidental symmetries beyond the Standard Model symmetries.


  • Independent of the Dirac/Majorana nature of neutrinos and the details of mass generation mechanism, neutrino mass generation always requires the existence of new particles and/or symmetries [12, 13]

  • Besides the Standard Model particle content, in this scenario the neutrino mass is generated at the one-loop level by assuming the existence of SU(3)C ⊗ SU(2)L ⊗ U(1)Y gauge singlet fermions and an extra SU (2)L doublet scalar with vanishing vacuum expectation value

  • We have discussed the importance of residual symmetries for models that try to make a connection between dark matter stability and the Dirac nature of neutrinos

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The Standard Model is the best description we have so far to explain all the observed fundamental particles and their interactions, namely the strong and electroweak phenomena. Neutrino oscillation experiments indicate that at most one active neutrino can be massless [2–5] but there is no experimental hint pointing towards the exact mechanism to generate mass for neutrinos In this regard, the most popular approach to alleviate this Standard Model shortcoming is to assume that neutrinos are Majorana in nature and invoke the socalled Majorana seesaw mechanisms [6–11]. Besides the Standard Model particle content, in this scenario the neutrino mass is generated at the one-loop level by assuming the existence of SU(3)C ⊗ SU(2)L ⊗ U(1)Y gauge singlet fermions and an extra SU (2)L doublet scalar with vanishing vacuum expectation value (vev). All these new particles carry an odd charge under a global Z2-symmetry. Here we will consider a class of models [15] where

Neutrino mass is generated at one loop level
Accidental symmetry
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