
In the article the study of immunopathogenetic mechanisms of the development of disease is represented, study of regulatory molecules and cells, mechanisms of their action at external genital endometriosis.Materials and methods. 60 patients of reproductive age with external genital endometriosis were examined. The control group consisted of 30 healthy fertile women of the same age.Results of investigation. In patients with EGE in the population T - limphocytes there was significant decrease in content of general T - limphocytes (SD3+) and reliable content of SD4+ limphocytes and FGA - induced proliferative activity of limphocytes in comparison with a control group. In subpopulations of limphocytes in patients of the II group the reliable increase of the content Th2-cell, there is tendency to the decline of the content Th1-cells, tendency, to the increase of the Treg- cells was marked. The disbalance in the correlation Th1/Th2-limfotsitov and Th1/Treg- limphocytes, conditioned by the increase in relation to maintenance among Th- limphocytes of the Th2-cells and Treg and the decline Th1, registers in this group of patients.Finding is specified on that at the patients of the II clinical group a disbalance in T-helpers subpopulation takes place, which regulate and control the development of hormonal and cellular immune responses.Conclusions. In patients with endometriosis have been present violations, including the changes of regulatory molecules and cells and their mechanisms resulting in immunological violations.Finding testify that in the II clinical group there is a imbalance in production of basic regulatory cytokines, that, on visible, is one of reasons of dysregulation of immune reactions, which is marked at patients with external genital endometriosis.


  • Finding is specified on that at the patients of the II clinical group a disbalance in T-helpers subpopulation takes place, which regulate and control the development of hormonal and cellular immune responses

  • The control group consisted of 30 healthy fertile women of the same age

  • by the increase in relation to maintenance among Th- limphocytes of the Th2

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В исследования включены 60 пациенток с наружным генитальным эндометриозом (НГЭ). Критериями включения были: фертильный возраст, гистологически подтвержденный диагноз НГЭ, для пациенток с миомой матки -отсутствие НГЭ по данным лапароскопии. Для идентификации в цитоплазме Т- лимфоцитов маркерного белка Foxp (Тreg - клетки), цитокинов ИЛ - 4 (Th2 клетки), и ИНФγ (Th1 - клетки) использовали монокленальные антитела Foxp3 - Alexa 488, ИЛ - 4 - РЕ, ИНФγ - РС - 5 (Becton Dickinson, BecKman Caulter,eBioscience). РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ И ИХ ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ При изучении иммунитета у больных I клинической группы, не было выявлено каких либо существенных изменений в их иммунном статусе. У больных II клинической группы в популяции Т -лимфоцитов наблюдалось достоверное снижение содержания общих Т -лимфоцитов (СD3+) и достоверное снижение содержание СD4+ лимфоцитов и ФГА -индуцированной пролиферативной активности лимфоцитов в сравнении с контрольной группой

Спонтанная цитокинпродуцирующая активность иммунокомпетентных клеток
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