
Radio-frequency (RF) rectification is an important sheath phenomenon for wave heating of plasma in fusion devices and is proposed to be the mechanism responsible for converting high-harmonic fast-wave (HHFW) power in the National Spherical Torus eXperiment (NSTX) into a heat flux to the divertor. RF rectification has two aspects: current rectification and voltage rectification, and, while the latter is emphasized in many application, we demonstrate the importance of current rectification in analysis of the NSTX divertor during HHFW heating. When rectified currents are accounted for in first-principle models for the heat flux to the tiles, we predict a sizeable enhancement for the heat flux in the presence of an RF field: for one case studied, the predicted heat flux increases from 0.103 MW/m2 to 0.209 MW/m2. We also demonstrate how this rectification scales with injected HHFW power by tracking probe characteristics during a HHFW power ramp; the rectified current may be clamped at a certain level. This work is important for minimizing SOL losses of HHFW power in NSTX-U but may also have implications for near-field studies of ICRF antennae: ignoring rectified current may lead to underestimated heat fluxes and overestimated rectified voltages.

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