
The article aims to present the most important issues of competition for raw materials, where different ideas of international trade are identified with political and financial pressure. The method of research used in the work is the analysis of literary heritage and historical facts that confirm or deny different theories. In particular, the theories of T. Malthus, neo-Malthusians and their opponents, as well as the struggle for oil and gas resources in the Middle East, the Arctic and the struggle for water resources in Central Asia were analyzed. In recent years, raw materials have become an instrument of international security. It is the struggle for sources of raw materials that is one of the decisive factors in world stability. Trade in resources should be the focus of regular observations to ensure geopolitical stability


  • Raw materials have been important for ages

  • Financial problems of raw materials market participants are becoming an instrument of geopolitical competition

  • The depletion of raw materials has prompted the countries of the world to look for a new region that will meet the economic needs of mainly great powers, because they play the greatest role in conflicts over raw materials

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The article aims to present the most important issues of competition for raw materials, where different ideas of international trade are identified with political and financial pressure. Raw materials have become an instrument of international security. Dominant suppliers of raw materials may exert political pressure on the recipient country. Financial problems of raw materials market participants are becoming an instrument of geopolitical competition. International control over trade in raw materials can become a factor of geopolitical stability. С а м е б о р о т ь ба за джерела сировини виступає одним з вирішальних факторів світової стабільності. Держави не можуть залишатися байдужими до геополітичних відносин з приводу ресурсів сировини. Внутрішні кризи послаблюють економіку постачальників та реципієнтів сировини, а тому стає легше взяти під контроль їх економіку. Таким чином міжнародний контроль за торгівлею сировиною може стати фактором геополітичної стабільності.

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