
Research on the mechanism of action of coenzyme B12, adenosylcobalamin, as a graduate student introduced the author to the field of organic free radicals in enzymology. Twenty years later, related work on S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) as a "poor man's coenzyme B12" was initiated in a detailed analysis of the mechanism of action of lysine 2,3-aminomutase (LAM). The interconversion of L-lysine and L-beta-lysine is catalyzed by LAM, which requires SAM, pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP), and a [4Fe-4S] cluster as coenzymes. The mechanism of this reaction has been delineated as a radical isomerization, in which radical formation is initiated by the [4Fe-4S]-dependent cleavage of the SAM into methionine and the 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical. The mechanism of this process is discussed, together with the role of this radical in hydrogen abstraction from lysine to initiate the substrate radical isomerization. The chemistry underlying the functions of SAM, PLP, and [4Fe-4S] in the action of LAM is novel in all respects, except for the formation of a lysine-PLP aldimine at the active site. Of the four free radicals in the mechanism, three have been characterized by EPR spectroscopy. In the suicide inactivation of adenosylcobalamin-dependent dioldehydrase (DDH) by glycolaldehyde, the formation of cob(II)alamin and 5'-deoxyadenosine is accompanied by the conversion of glycolaldehyde to cis-ethanesemidione radical at the active site. The cis-ethanesemidione radical has been characterized by EPR spectroscopy. Its exceptional stability at the active site is the basis for the inactivation of DDH by glycolaldehyde.

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