
Providing a supportive prosocially oriented socialization for children was emphasized as necessary for their development as responsible citizens oriented to living in and sustaining their communities. A prosocial community was defined as one in which its inhabitants are concerned with the well-being of others in the community and the community as well as with themselves. The failure of current community psychology theory, research, and projects to address the nature of communities and implications of their work for the development of prosocial communities and children was addressed. A comprehensive child-centered approach to prosocial community building which necessarily includes children as participants was outlined. Illustrative youth oriented prosocial community projects, implications of their outcomes, and suggested research directions were cited.


  • The speci alrol e andrel evance that communi ti es have onthe wel l -bei ngofchi l dreni s the focus of thi s paper

  • Si mpl ycreati ngprosoci alcommuni ti es wi l lnot sol ve al lthe worl d’ s probl ems nor al lthe probl ems of individuals

  • On the other hand,those problems cannot be sol ved or even substanti al l y al l evi ated without prosocialcommunities that value and support abeni gn and nurturi ng qual i ty ofl i fe for thei r members,especi al l ythei r chi l dren

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The Role of Prosocial Communities in Youth Development

Se enfatiza el proporcionar a los niños una socialización que tenga una orientación prosocial,como un aspecto necesario para su desarrollo como ciudadanos responsables,orientados a vivir en comunidades y apoyar el desarrollo de éstas.Una comunidad prosocial fue definida como aquella en que sus habitantes están preocupados del bienestar de otros miembros de la comunidad,de la comunidad y de ellos mismos.Se aborda el tema del fracaso de las actuales teorí as,investigaciones y proyectos en psicologí a comunitaria en la consideración de la naturaleza de las comunidades y las implicaciones de su trabaj o para el desarrollo de comunidades prosociales.Se presenta un enfoque comprensivo,centrado en el niño,para la construcción de comunidades prosociales,el cual necesariamente incluye a los niños como participantes.Se mencionan proyectos comunitarios prosociales ilustrativos orientados a la j uventud,implicaciones de sus resultados y lí neas de investigación sugeridas

Common Sense Definitions
StructuralEl ements of aProsocialCommunity
Studying and Intervening in Communities
The Current Situation in Community Psychology
Requirements of a Prosocial Community
Targeted Approaches to the Development of Prosocial Communities
Eliminating Antisocial Behavior
Resource Exchange and Psychosocial Competence
Protecting the Rights of Child Laborers
The Nature of Questscope
Expansion of Program
Implications for Prosocial Community Development Concepts and Approaches
Integration and Summary
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