
The European Union (EU) has placed a strong focus on soil contamination and remediation in its Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection, emphasizing the critical need for comprehensive soil data at the EU level. To effectively support EU soil management strategies, it is necessary to develop soil-related indicators and standardized datasets across all EU member states. However, the lack of standardized methodologies for estimating the time required for contaminated site remediation is a dilemma in Italy and throughout Europe. This study examines statistical data on the time-consuming nature of the contaminated site remediation process in Italy. In fact, early intervention not only simplifies site remediation but also reduces long-term financial obligations such as monitoring costs and potential legal implications. This study categorized data according to remedial procedures, explored different management phases, and revealed different timescales for completing the procedure. The findings show that processes completed after preliminary investigations are often shorter in time than those completed following conceptual model assessments. In contrast, processes that require corrective measures typically take a longer period of time to complete. Notably, remedial interventions tend to have a shorter duration compared to risk management interventions. Furthermore, procedures that address both soil and groundwater contamination generally require more time compared to those that focus only on soil remediation. This study provides valuable insight into the time-consuming aspects of remediation procedures, recommending potential changes to regulatory frameworks to accelerate site remediation activities.

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