
Vandhyatva (infertility) has been a long standing problem since ancient times.Many herbal and herbo-mineral formulations are mentioned as treatment of infertility in the ancient texts,but they are not categorized according to the responsible factor of infertility.It is need of the hour to evaluate the efficacy of formulations with respect to various factors. With the above aim a clinical study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Prajasthapana Yoga and PhalaghritaUttarbasti on cervical factor i.e scanty cervical mucus.For clinical trial total 7 patients were selected for this study.4 tab.(2 gm)of Prajasthapana Yogawas given orally thrice a day for 2 month and intracervical Uttarbasti of Phalaghrita(3 ml) was administered in every sitting for 6 days after end day of menses subsequently for two cycles.Sims Huhner and Moghissi cervical mucus Test and post coital testwere selected for the diagnosis and for evaluation of efficacy of therapy on cervical factor.Statistically highly significant result were found on quantity and viscosity(p<0.001) and significant result were found inferning,cellularityand spinnbarkeit(p<0.05). Hence, in nutshell it was concluded that Prajasthapna Yoga and PhalaghritaUttarbasti showed good results in all the properties of cervical mucus.


  • In the present scenario of the rapid advancement in technology,infertility is still aproblem that has continued since ages

  • Many factors are responsible for female infertility,which is Tubal factor -40%, ovarian factor-05%,cervical factor-20% and uterine factor-10%J.M Sims (1868) first identified cervical factor in infertility(1).The cervical mucus acts as filter allowing only single functioning to penetrate cervical mucus.When this is hostile and unfavorable it reduces the quality or quantity of sperm,affect sperm viability and leads to infertility.A charyaSushruta has described the essential factors for conception i.eRitu(season or ovulatory period),Kshetra and Ambu(water i.enutritive material&hormones) which are responsible to maintain the pregnancy and defect in either of these factors may result in to infertility(2)

  • Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nadiad, Gujarat Email Id: jdachrya1@gmail.com,Raktadhatu, Mamsadhatuand Sthanika Agni(local metabolism at cellular level) according to Ayuveda,Functions of cervical mucus can belinked with the Kledana Karma(moisturizing action)of Kapha.Vata vitiated due to RukshaGuna and TikshnaGunais mainly responsible for reduction in cervical mucus.Treatment of V andhyatva is broadly classified into two groups i.eTaila(oil) treated conditions or Ghritatreatedconditions.The choice of Taila or Ghrita depends on the accompanying Doshas withVata.If Vata is associated with Kapha,Taila has to be preferred,while in case of Pitta association,Ghrita has to be preferred (3).considering this concept Phalaghritaand Prajasthapana Y oga were selected for the present trialAs per classics the drugs mentioned in Prajasthapana Yoga have Prajasthapna effect

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In the present scenario of the rapid advancement in technology,infertility is still aproblem that has continued since ages. All herbs are Rasayana and Balya.Thereby the formulation of Prajasthapana Y oga found very effective in V andhyatva.Uttarbasti is one type of Basti which is best for the disease of female. It tones up reproductive organs and improves the quality of A mbui.e cervical mucus . by applying proper drug through Uttarbasti, disorders of female reproductive tract can be cured. This study was planned to evaluate the efficacy of PhalaghritaUttarbasti and Prajasthapana Yoga on cervical factor responsible for infertility

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