
This study aims to examine the relationship of posttraumatic stress symptoms, psychologicaldistress, and quality of life in Covid-19 survivors. Participants were N=120 Corona survivors(MA = 29.03; SD = 10), where 56.7 % were males and 43.3% were females from Lahore,Pakistan. The sample was collected using purposive and convenience sampling technique. Inorder to gather data, Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) (Lovibond & Lovibond,1996), PTSD Checklist for DSM-5(PSL-5) (Weather et al., 2013), World Health OrganizationsQuality of Life (WHOQOL) BREF (Whoqol Group, 1998) and Demographic form wereadministered. Correlation research design was employed. Data was analyzed using PearsonProduct Moment Coefficient of Correlation and Multiple Linear Regression. Results indicatedmoderate to severe levels of depression, anxiety and distress symptoms with significant scores of53.3%, 56.6% and 39.1% respectively. Moreover, common symptoms reported by survivorsincluded fever (68.3%), dry cough (54.2%), headache (49.2%), loss of sense of smell (39.2%)and taste (37.5%). Results revealed a significant relation between the study variables, whereaspsychological distress and post-traumatic stress symptoms significantly predicted lower qualityof life. The findings of the present study have implications for psychologists, psychiatrists,mental health professionals and social workers the results also provide concrete bases in formingand implementing mental health intervention policies to cope with post Covid-19 challengeseffectively. The psychological interventions and mental health strategies provide psychologicalsupport and guidance that will contribute to mental health well-being, and improve the quality oflife and coping strategies.

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