
According to the focal cortical theory of absence epilepsy, spike-and-wave discharges (SWDs) have a cortical focal origin in the perioral region of the somatosensory cortex in rats. In the present study the role of peripheral afferents of the perioral (snout) region in the occurrence of spontaneous SWDs was investigated in the WAG/Rij (Wistar Albino Glaxo from Rijswijk) rat model of absence epilepsy in order to examine whether an input from peripheral sources is imperative for the occurrence of SWDs. Twelve male WAG/Rij rats were chronically equipped with cortical EEG electrodes. Peripheral afferents of the perioral region of the snout nervus trigeminus were pharmacologically blocked with a local injection of 2% Novocain, a blockade of nervus facialis and saline injections were used as controls. ECoGs were recorded before and after bilateral injection of the drug. Blockade of the n. trigeminus decreased the incidence and duration of SWD, while similar injections with Novocain near the n. facialis had no effect . Injections with saline were also not effective. Our data demonstrate that intact peripheral afferent input may be primarily involved in the initiation of SWDs. It suggests that the cortico-thalamo-cortical circuits need the peripheral stimulations from the snout and vibrissae for an initiation of the spontaneous SWDs.

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