
The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) performed as a separate procedure in a consecutive Danish bladder cancer cohort and also to analyse if the number of lymph nodes excised had an impact on outcome. From 1992 to 1998, 339 cystectomy candidates were retrospectively reviewed. Based on a preoperative PLND, 248 patients (10% N+) underwent radical cystectomy and 91 (87% N+) underwent radio- or chemotherapy. The median follow-up was 6.3 years. PLND was able to separate N+ from N0 patients with a false-negative rate of 3% compared with the following cystectomy. Lymph node-positive patients treated with cystectomy (n=24) all died from their bladder cancer. Therefore, accurate pathological N classification before the treatment decision seems worthwhile. The median number of lymph nodes excised was six and the number of lymph nodes had an independent prognostic impact on survival. This underlines the need for guidelines for surgical lymphadenectomy and the pathological assessment of lymph nodes in bladder cancer.

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