
Summary Subject and purpose of work: The article addresses the issue of the increasing use of payment cards in Poland and related consequences in the number and volume of transactions cash and cashless. The article analyzes the growing importance of cards as a transaction medium of Poles. The topic of potential alternative payment methods was also discussed. Materials and methods: The study used the analysis of literature and source data from, among others, National Bank of Poland, prnews.pl, Statista.com database, websites of banks and others. Descriptive and statistical methods were used in order to prepare the research. Results: In Poland, the number of cards owned by citizens is growing rapidly, as well as the volume and number of transactions concluded with them. Customers, banks and economic and commercial units are most interested in payment cards market. Conclusions: Transaction with cards deepens customer attachment to a particular brand of the organization and allows to gain benefit from transaction fees. The popularization of cards results in a limited share of cash in transactions. Making debit card payments requires customers to have sufficient deposits on the account, which is also an advantage for the bank. It is expected that the scope and role of mobile payments will grow dynamically.

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