
Abstract The bees were declared the most important living beings on the planet. They act as natural indicators of the state of the environment, protect and maintain ecosystems and contribute to genetic and biotic diversity. Due to its socio-economic and scientific role, beekeeping is an activity that contributes to the development of the rural area. In the analysis we have chosen Hunedoara County, considering its national position and prospects for the development of organic beekeeping. The elaboration of the PESTEL analysis ensures a long-term perspective of the apiculture strategy in Hunedoara County. In order to dispose of bee products (honey, organic honey, pollen, propolis, etc.) in optimal conditions to be marketed both through stores and online, we propose the creation of short chains between a specialized micro-enterprise, tourist pensions that provides food services, restaurants or bars that are located in areas with commercial ford and local beekeeping producers in HNV areas, of which at least one holds certification for organic honey. Beekeeping entrepreneurship can be developed through the actions of beekeepers in the field of promotion, by efficiently selecting possible distribution channels in the country and abroad.

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