
Diversity is a sunnatullah whose existence cannot be eliminated. Therefore, in this case religion functions as a blessing for all mankind, it can be done through creating awareness about tolerance in the midst of the diversity that God has created for humans, both in terms of ethnicity, ethnicity, language, religion, and culture. Therefore, in order to realize the formation of a moderate society in the context of diversity in Indonesia, religious moderation and educational discourse are interesting issues, where currently people in Indonesia have paid special attention to religious moderation. The research used is a type of qualitative research. Methods of data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data source is Islamic Religious Education Teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Purwokerto. The practical role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Purwokerto in order to strengthen the understanding of religious moderation for students is carried out by various activities such as rejecting hate speech both outside and inside school, fostering an attitude of peace and peace in the social environment, building harmony and tolerance with groups. -Different groups. Thus it can be defined that religious moderation is a peaceful, tolerant and polite and moderate attitude, which is useful for oneself and those around you, in terms of tolerance values, there is a need for awareness and patience in answering existing problems.

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