
NOT VERY MANY OF THE PAGES OF C&EN are devoted to opinion, which is entirely appropriate given that C&EN is, and always has been, a newsmagazine. Of C&ENs 2,715pages in 2003, only 100 or so, or about 4%, could possibly be classified as opinion written by C&EN staff. Some C&EN readers object strenuously even to this modest level of coverage devoted to opinion. I am often surprised at the ferocity of the responses elicited by certain C&EN editorials or Insights, the other main vehicle for commentary in the magazine. Some C&EN readers just don't want to see in print anything that contradicts their point of view A case in point is Senior Correspondent Lois Ember's recent Government & Policy Insights on intelligence failures leading up to the Iraq war. A selection of the letters we've received on Ember's essay follows, and I want to address here a couple of points raised by them. First, none ...

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