
Open book accounting (OBA) is an accounting method that has been put forward as a tool for managing interdependencies across company boundaries. This paper investigates the role of OBA in creating and managing interdependences in supplier relationships. In particular, consideration is given to how OBA deals with the embedded relationships in which interdependencies are both potentially aligning and conflicting with interdependencies in other relationships. An in-depth case study on the role of OBA within the retail industry in Sweden has been conducted. The study shows that the company used the OBA to create and manage interdependencies in different inter-organizational situations. The company used it in managing the interdependencies with the first tier supplier and down in the supply chain influencing second and third tier suppliers. However, OBA plays a key role in creating and managing the embedded supplier relationships. OBA was used to influence indirect relationships and their technical and organizational interfaces. It was also decisive in new resource combination and in the identification of new interfaces. Furthermore, OBA was used when actors defined the network boundaries and find new temporary solutions.

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