
Enterobacteria phage P1 expresses two types of tail fibre, S and S'. Despite the wide usage of phage P1 for transduction, the host range and the receptor for its alternative S' tail fibre was never determined. Here, a ΔS-cin Δpac E. coli P1 lysogenic strain was generated to allow packaging of phagemid DNA into P1 phage having either S or S' tail fibre. P1(S') could transduce phagemid DNA into Shigella flexneri 2a 2457O, Shigella flexneri 5a M90T and Escherichia coli O3 efficiently. Mutational analysis of the O-antigen assembly genes and LPS inhibition assays indicated that P1(S') transduction requires at least one O-antigen unit. E. coli O111:B4 LPS produced a high neutralising effect against P1(S') transduction, indicating that this E. coli strain could be susceptible to P1(S')-mediated transduction. Mutations in the O-antigen modification genes of S. flexneri 2a 2457O and S. flexneri 5a M90T did not cause significant changes to P1(S’) transduction efficiency. A higher transduction efficiency of P1(S') improved the delivery of a cas9 antimicrobial phagemid into both S. flexneri 2457O and M90T. These findings provide novel insights into P1 tropism-switching, by identifying the bacterial strains which are susceptible to P1(S')-mediated transduction, as well as demonstrating its potential for delivering a DNA sequence-specific Cas9 antimicrobial into clinically relevant S. flexneri.

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