
Community Development (CD) is an approach aimed at improving the quality of life of the community. The approach for improvement can be achieved through a number of ways and organizations which includes, the Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) "a private organization that pursue activities to reduce suffering, promote the interest of the poor , protect the environment, provide basic social services or undertake community development". This paper discusses the role and contribution of NGOs towards development in Balochistan. NGOs have several projects, programs and roles which support people to bring development in communities. In addition, NGOs mobilize the communities to be self-dependent. The study includes interviews, document analysis and field studies with staffs and the beneficiaries of NGOs. The study helps the communities to find out their own problems and solve them according to their own local resources. Recommendations made as to the best practices of community development programs for NGOs to improve the living standard of people in province of Balochistan.

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