
The internet revolution and new media have changed the world. During the pandemic Covid – 19 educational institutions around the world faced challenges in continuing with the education of its students. The next generation is the future of the nation, and the future of the students studying in educational institutions was at stake. This loss could not be reversed, but an attempt was made to tackle the situation as much as possible, and the solution was online learning. Most of the educational institutions overnight upgraded their technological skills and reached out to the students through the online medium. This study aims to look at the impact of new media in education, during Covid 19. This study explore how it impacts the lives of both undergraduate and graduate university students. This research aims to analyse the advancements, and improvements when universities switched to new media during the pandemic through the quantitative research methodology. A survey was conducted in order to achieve the aims of the research. The data thus collected helps us to understand that new media played a positive role during the crisis and ascertains that online learning could be beneficial.

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