
The thematic review discusses various points of view on the topographic and atomic features of the location of the root of the trigeminal nerve and the superior cerebellar artery that serve as the foundation for the development of classical trigeminal neuralgia. The diagnostic capabilities of magnetic resonance imaging in the recognition of neurovascular conflict as the pathogenetic basis of the disease are considered. The search for diagnostic criteria that distinguish neurovascular conflict from neurovascular contact by improving both the performance of MRI and the new technical possibilities of its interpretation is highlighted in the chronological aspect. The possibilities of multispiral X-ray computed angiography in 3D mode as an alternative method for diagnosing neurovascular conflict are described.


  • The thematic review discusses various points of view on the topographic and atomic features of the location of the root of the trigeminal nerve and the superior cerebellar artery that serve as the foundation for the development of classical trigeminal neuralgia

  • The search for diagnostic criteria that distinguish neurovascular conflict from neurovascular contact by improving both the performance of MRI and the new technical possibilities of its interpretation is highlighted in the chronological aspect

  • При выполнении разработанной им операции пересечения корешка тройчниного нерва (КТН) в области мосто-мозжечкового угла у больных тригеминальной невралгией (ТН) он заметил тесное прилежание верхней мозжечковой артерии к корешку, но не связал эту аномалию сосуда с заболеванием

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The thematic review discusses various points of view on the topographic and atomic features of the location of the root of the trigeminal nerve and the superior cerebellar artery that serve as the foundation for the development of classical trigeminal neuralgia. Изучая взаимоотношение КТН и смежных сосудов на 48 людях без клиники КНТН при помощи 1,5 Т МРТ, Kress B. et al (2006) [38] обнаружили нейроваскулярный контакт у 73% обследованных, из них у 61% — с артерией, у 27% — с веной и пришли к выводу о том, что контакт сосудов с КТН является вариантом нормы и не свидетельствует о наличии НВК.

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