
Ly49 receptors in rodents, like killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors in humans, regulate natural killer (NK) cell activity. Although inhibitory Ly49 receptors clearly recognize classical major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules, the role for the activating Ly49 receptors has been less well understood. Here, we discuss recent data from a rat model for listeriosis. Rats depleted of NK cells, or more specifically the Ly49 receptor-bearing cells, showed increased bacterial loads in their spleen. Athymic nude rats with no functional T cells but increased numbers of Ly49-expressing NK cells were more resistant to infection, indicating a central role of NK cells in early immune defense against Listeria in this species. Listeria infection of macrophages or enteric epithelial cells led to upregulation of MHC-I, including nonclassical (Ib) molecules not regularly recognized by T cells. We have shown that activating Ly49 receptors are more efficiently stimulated when binding to upregulated class Ib antigens on infected cells. From this we postulate that activating Ly49 receptors may have a sentinel function in the early immune response against Listeria in detecting diseased cells ‘flagged’ by increased MHC-Ib expression.

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