
The research entitled (The Role of Music and Sound Effects in Theatrical show) deals with an analytical and descriptive study that shades light on how music and sound effects are used in theatrical show based on the intellectual, artistic and aesthetic aspects. The research falls into four chapters. The first chapter (the methodological framework) deals with several points such as: the research problem, the importance of the research, aims of the research and its limits. As for the second chapter (theoretical framework), it dealt with the subject from subjects such as: the role of the choir in theatrical show, the effects of rhythm in theatrical scenes, and the use of music in the new theater. The third chapter deals with the analysis of theatrical models from the plays (Mara-Sad) and (The shadow of mountain). In the fourth chapter, the research reached a number of results, the most important of which are: Music is one of the main elements in the formation of a theatrical show and therefore the director and music executor should have experience in the science of drama and music. Music and sound effects give an important role in highlighting the social, economic, natural and psychological dimension of theatrical show. The research also ends with several recommendations and a list of sources.


  • The research entitled (The Role of Music and Sound Effects in Theatrical show) deals with an analytical and descriptive study that shades light on how music and sound effects are used in theatrical show based on the intellectual, artistic and aesthetic aspects

  • As for the second chapter, it dealt with the subject from subjects such as: the role of the choir in theatrical show, the effects of rhythm in theatrical scenes, and the use of music in the new theater

  • The research reached a number of results, the most important of which are: 1. Music is one of the main elements in the formation of a theatrical show and the director and music executor should have experience in the science of drama and music

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‫(برێیت) توانای خۆی بەكارهینا بۆ گۆڕینی ڕۆڵی ((موزیک لە نمایشكی شكانۆیی‪ ،‬بەكارهینانی موزیک‬ ‫لای ئەو بۆ ئەوه نەبوو ڕووداوهكان گەرم و گوڕ بكات‪ ،‬بەڵكو بۆ ئەوه بوو مانا ببەخشكێت بەو قسكانەی‬ ‫ككە لكەسكككەر شكككانۆ دەکرێكت‪ ،‬هكەوڵیكدا موزیكک بكەككاربهێنی بۆ گونجكانكدن لكەگكەڵ ڕوداوهككان ‪ ،‬نكەوهك بۆ‬ ‫خوڵ كاندنی كەش و هەوایەكی درامی‪ ،‬كە هەسكككت و سكككۆز بەسكككەریدا زاڵە)) (عبكدا‪.)50 ،1997 ،،‬‬ ‫هەروەها دوپاتی دهكردهوه‪ ،‬كە پەیوهندی نێوان شانۆ و موزیک دابڕان نیە لە یەكتر‪ ،‬بەڵكو تەواوكەری‬ ‫یەكترن‪ ،‬پێی وابوو گونجاندنی موزیک لەگەڵ ئەدای ئەكتەر زۆر گرنگە بۆ بەخشینی ماناو ئاماژهكان‪.‬‬ ‫بابەتەكانی شكانۆی داسكتانی (برێیت) زنجیرەیی نەبوون‪ ،‬هەر بۆیە موزیک لە نێوانیان بەكاردههێنرا‬ ‫بكە شكككێوهی پكارچكە پكارچكەو تكەوواونكەكراو وهكو زنجیرهیكەكی لكەیكەك پچڕاو‪ ،‬نكەوهك بۆ بكەسكككتنكەوهی‬ ‫دیمكەنكەككان ‪ ،‬دور لكە خوڵ كانكدنی بونیكادی درامی ‪ ،‬هكەر بۆیكە ئكەو گۆرانیكانكەی لكە نێوان دیمكەنكەككان‬ ‫بەكاردههێنرا سكەربەخۆ بوون و پەیوهندیان نەبوو بە ڕوداوهكان‪ ،‬ئەرك و فەرمانەكانی بریتی بوون لە‬ ‫كورت كردنەوهی چیرۆكەكەكان و دیمەنەكان یان بۆ لێدوان بوو لەسككەر دیمەنەكان یان دژه كرداربوو‬

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