
6 General Introduction 9 I. THEORETICAL INTRODUCTION 10 SOCIAL CATEGORISATION 11 The origins of intergroup prejudice 11 Social Categorisation Process 11 Minimal Group Paradigm and the essential base of intergroup prejudice 12 Social Identity Theory and the need for positive distinctiveness 12 Self-Categorisation Theory 13 When can intergroup prejudice can be reduced? 14 Crossed-Categorisation Paradigm as first attempt to reduce intergroup prejudice 14 Common Ingroup Identity Model and the promotion of intergroup similarities 14 When can the perception of others along multiple criteria improves intergroup relations 15 Multiple Social Categorisation theory and de-categorisation process 15 Complexity of Multiple Categorisation 17 Counter-Stereotypical Category Combinations and inhibition of stereotypical attributions 18 Cognitive Adaptation to the Experience of Social and Cultural Diversity Model 20 Concluding remarks 22 DEHUMANISATION PHENOMENON 23 When does dehumanisation occur? 23 Dehumanising prejudice 23 A particular case of everyday dehumanisation: infrahumanisation paradigm 24 Different from animal group and from inanimate group: dehumanisation theory 25 Intergroup consequences of outgroups dehumanisation 26

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