
The issue of free sex is not an old story, and this incident happens almost every day to friends, family, neighbors, and even on social media. Free sex is a global issue that still occurs today and is reported in various countries, including the Aceh region of Indonesia. The problem is that discussing sex education is still considered taboo by some mothers, even with their teenage daughters. This research aims to describe (1) An understanding of sex education, (2) How adolescents receive sex education, and (3) How the role of interpersonal communication between mothers and adolescent girls is related to conveying knowledge about sex education. This research uses qualitative methods using several references from journals and books. The research results show that: (1) Sex education is a knowledge skill that must be immediately given to teenagers regarding sexual behavior to avoid anything that can cause negative effects. (2) Teenagers need information about sex education issues from those closest to them, including mothers. (3) The role of mothers is crucial in providing sex education to teenage girls so that they are not affected by free sex, even though this is considered taboo.

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