
In the matter of dispute settlement, there are various forms which can be pursued other than litigation. These methods are generally referred to as alternative dispute resolutions or ADR. Alternative dispute resolutions are typically classified as negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration. This paper in particular will further discuss mediation and the responsibility it possesses as a form of amicable settlement before advancing to arbitral proceedings. Several arguments and insight will be presented based on existing arbitration regulations in order to further evaluate how arbitral proceedings progress as well as the role of mediation as a preexisting condition prior to an arbitration. The research method used in this paper is judicial normative research which will focus on the existing regulations, in particular their validity and enforceability. Furthermore, the statutory approach utilized in this article is applied with a literature review to enhance the discussions further elaborated. The author concludes that an arbitration is the last resort while a mediation, as an alternative dispute resolution, will provide a win-win solution.

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