
We conducted three experiments to test the effects of mating history of both sexes and of male body size on mating behaviours in the water strider, Gerris buenoi. Our manipulations influenced the interests of both sexes and, thus, the degree of conflict over mating behaviours. Mating history was a dichotomous variable (deprived/mated), depending on holding conditions in the laboratory. Experiment 1 considered and found independent effects of male and female mating history on latency to copulation and copulation duration. In experiment 2, we manipulated only female mating history, using unsuccessful struggle rates as evidence for female reluctance and conflict over mating. Finally, we investigated the relation between male body size and mating history on copulation duration. We predicted that intersexual conflict over mating would be lowest when females were deprived, because female interests under these conditions should more closely match those of males. Deprived females began mating in half the time of mated females and were twice as likely to mate because of reduced reluctance. Furthermore, copulation duration for deprived males was about one and a half times longer than that for mated males. Although previous studies examining nonrandom mating patterns by size predicted longer copulations for small males, we found that small males prolonged copulation when deprived more than large males. We conclude that females primarily influence copulation frequency, but males primarily influence copulation duration. Our results favour the hypothesis that reduced mating opportunity for small males accounts for their extended copulation duration. Finally, our findings provide evidence for strong effects of male body size on selection mechanisms in water striders, and support the hypothesis of conflicting pre- and postcopulatory selection mechanisms in this group. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.

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