
The purpose of the article is to investigate the mass culture phenomenon and its influence on the development of the youth consciousness and on the multicultural education in modern Canada. The methodology is based on the use of comparative and analytical methods in studying mass culture phenomenon and its application in the educational process of multicultural society, basing on the example of Canada. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of conceptual and empirical studies of modern Ukrainian and Canadian authors on the influence of mass culture on the educational process, which is not adequately reflected in the Ukrainian information environment. Conclusions. The article shows that popular culture can have greater potential in promoting processes on achieving and consolidating peace; it is shown that the rational use of mass culture on Internet sites and in the processes of lifelong education, namely in schools, at work and in social networks, can be a very effective tool in strengthening social harmony in Canadian multicultural conditions; some specific ways of sharing elements of mass culture in various systems of continuous education are suggested. It is noted that mass cultures have more democratic and egalitarian elements in comparison with other forms of cultures, and their active use in various educational conditions could greatly contribute to the construction of a multicultural Canadian society.

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