
The article aims to analyze the theme of maritime identity as a cultural code of the Pomerania region. At the same time, it will be proved that this code has had a tangible impact on modern-day economy of the Pomerania region by influencing its dynamics, innovativeness and networking. That influence has been made possible by the post-industrial economy which, as a result of civilizational changes, thrives today mainly thanks to social and cultural factors, also known as social capital, and not just due to infrastructural ones. The resulting maritime identity, which evolved in our region in the interwar period mainly due to the shared experience of building a port in Gdynia and the associated work ethic, has established numerous social bonds and created solidarity among people of the sea. These bonds are gradually expanding the cultural code’s sphere of operation with new areas and partners, not necessarily related to the maritime economy. Although these bonds are most evident in Intelligent Specialization no. 1 “Off-shore, port and logistics technologies”, they actually bridge the gap between all intelligent specializations to produce a synergy effect and create innovation. The cultural code brings innovation to traditional (ports, shipyards Baltic-Adriatic Corridor) and sustainable energy-saving “blue growth” maritime economies. Maritime identity is also featured in various forms of tourism, culture and art, while at the same time shaping the teaching programs of maritime schools.

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