
The study was conducted during the growing season 2003 to study the influence of four levels of P (0, 60, 100 and 140 kg ha -1 ) and four levels of Mg (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha -1 ) at two locations (Bakrajow and Kalar) on growth and yield of wheat and phosphorus fertilizer efficiency. The results indicated to the response of wheat to phosphorous fertilizer at Bakrajow location only. While the application of 40 kg Mg ha -1 caused significant increase in wheat yield at Bakrajow location only. The highest phosphorus fertilizer efficiency was 34.44% and 55.24% at Bakrajow and Kalar respectively while the Mg fertilizer efficiency was 7.6% and 22.8% at Kalar and Bakrajow respectively.


  • There are many factors influencing phosphorus availability, efficiency and recovery of phosphorus fertilizer by plants like soil pH, texture, type of clay minerals, calcium carbonate content of the soil, organic matter content of the soil and Mg/Ca ratio of irrigation water or soil solution in additional to mycorhizal activity (Foth, et al, 2000; Al- Akrawi, 2002)

  • MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiment was conducted at two different locations ( Bakrajow and Kalar) under rain-fed condition during the winter growing season 2003 to study the influence of four levels of Mg as MgSO4.7H2O ( 0, 40, 80, 120 kg ha -1) and four levels of P as TSP (0, 60, 100 and 140 kg ha-1) and their interaction on wheat yield,availability of phosphorus and the efficiency of phosphorus and magnesium fertilizers using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates. 100kg N ha-1 as urea fertilizer was added at the sowing time

  • Electrical conductivity (EC) was measured for the soil saturation extract using EC-meter, model (WTW 82362 Weilheim, Germany). pH was measured in a saturated peaste using a pH-meter, model (Microprocessor pH meter, Hanna pH 211).Organic matter was determined by dichromate oxidation (Walkley and Black method) as described in Jackson (1973).The total calcium carbonate equivalent CaCO3 was determined by a rapid titration method (Rayment and Higginson, 1992).Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) was

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There are many factors influencing phosphorus availability, efficiency and recovery of phosphorus fertilizer by plants like soil pH, texture, type of clay minerals, calcium carbonate content of the soil, organic matter content of the soil and Mg/Ca ratio of irrigation water or soil solution in additional to mycorhizal activity (Foth, et al, 2000; Al- Akrawi, 2002). Influence of different levels of Mg and P fertilizer and their interaction on grain weight: Table (2) shows the significant effect of Mg, P and their interaction on grain yield at Bakrajow location, the highest values 5142.6, 5113.3 and 5605.2 kg ha-1 were recorded from treatments, Mg1, P1 and Mg2P3 respectively.

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