
The aim was to reveal the risk factors of growth delay (GD) in preterm infants at the first year of life and to determine the role of macro- and microelements in formation of GD and psychomotor delay among these children.Materials and methods. The cohort included 150 children with birth weight: 1st group 2499-1500g (n= 67), 2nd group 1499-1000g (n=45), 3rd group <1000g (n= 38). Growth and psychomotor development were examined; blood levels of calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese were estimated.Results. The frequency of growth delay (GD) at 12 months corrected age was: in the 1st group 7,46%, 95%CI [3,23;16,31], in the 2nd group 33,33%, 95%CI [21,36;47,93]; in the 3rd group 63,16%, 95%CI [41,04;80,85]. Frequency of motor delay more than 1 month at 12 months corrected age was: in the 1st group 46,27%, 95%CI [34,86;58,08]; in the 2nd group 75,56%, 95%CI [61,33;85,76]; in the 3rd group 84,21%, 95%CI [69,58;92,56]. The risk factors of GD at first year of life in preterm infants are IUGR (OR 3,6), severe asphyxia in birth (OR 5,28), the severity of complications of neonatal period (respiratory care 7 days and more - OR 2,72 and tube feeding 14 days and more – OR 2,53, anemia of preterm infants (OR 3,54), early start of formula feeding (OR 2,54). The deficit of zinc, magnesium and calcium was typical for preterm babies in infancy, but only zinc and calcium deficit was associated with GD.Conclusion. The high frequency of GD and psychomotor delay in preterm infants inversely correlates with body weight at birth, at the same time directly correlates with severity of complications of neonatal period, early start of formula feeding and is accompanied by mineral deficit. To optimize preventive actions and adequate correction for early intervention it is necessary to reveal the mineral deficit risk group among preterm infants.


  • The frequency of growth delay (GD) at 12 months corrected age was: in the 1st group 7,46%, 95%CI

  • The high frequency of GD and psychomotor delay in preterm infants inversely correlates with body weight at birth

  • at the same time directly correlates with severity of complications

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Цинк Мідь Марганець

Частота затримки фізичного і психомоторного розвитку в дітей раннього віку, народжених передчасно, зворотно пропорційна масі тіла при народженні. 2. Факторами ризику затримки фізичного розвитку на першому році життя у дітей, народжених передчасно, є: ЗВУР (ВШ 3,6); ускладнення при народженні (асфіксія тяжкого ступеня – ВШ 5,28); тяжкість стану в неонатальний період (штучна вентиляція легень 7 діб і більше – ВШ 2,72 і зондове вигодовування 14 діб і більше – ВШ 2,53); розвиток анемії недоношених (ВШ 3,54); ранній початок штучного вигодовування (ВШ 2,54). 3. Дефіцит цинку, магнію і кальцію є характерним для дітей першого року життя, народжених передчасно, при цьому дефіцит цинку і кальцію асоціюється із затримкою фізичного і психомоторного розвитку. R. A systematic review and meta-analysis to revise the Fenton growth chart for preterm infants / T. Mathur N.B. Zinc Supplementation in Preterm Neonates and Neurological Development, A Randomized Controlled Trial / N. Zinc supplementation reduces morbidity and mortality in very-low-birth-weight preterm neonates: a hospital-based randomized, placebo-controlled trial in an industrialized country /Am J ClinNutr. THE ROLE OF MACRO- AND MICROELEMENTS IN THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRETERM INFANTS

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